Для мотоциклов и автомобилей реле GPS трекер GSM 9-90V скрыть устройства слежения технической помощи транспортному средству двигаться состояние ACC SMS сигнализационной локатор Системы Бесплатная CJ740

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    • 5u

      5559 u.

      15 июля 2022


      прислали трекер не робочем состоянии! и деньги не вернули!  

      Дополнен 15 июля 2022

      продают бракованный товар  

    • MC

      Mihail C.

      28 января 2022


      Получил, пока не проверял. Вот только не пойму смысла в предохранителе, смысл ставить предохранитель на 220 вольт, в линию на 12 вольт.  

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      Мы должны попробовать llwgo хорошо  

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      Отсутствует тест  

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      Hayk O.

      18 мая 2022


      все хорошо  


Vehicle stopped: ACC off status.

Vehicle sending movement,You will receive text messages and phone calls.

Towed away move alarm

ACC:OFF Motorcycle Car Towed away move 300 meters alarm The GPS device will issue: SMS alarm, phone alarm,

How to drag away the alarm function:

1. Link ACC, (Need to perform alarm function by monitoring ACC status.)
2. Set the main control number: admin123456 + 86186 ****** (+ 86186 ***** should be youe phone number)
3. Send SMS command: tow1,300 (tow1-4: 1 is SMS alarm, 2 is phone alarm, 3 is SMS + phone alarm, 300 is distance)

Tow track after the car was stolen

ACC:OFF Motorcycle Car Towed away move Driving trajectory Track, start, end,

ACC status automatic arming function:

ACC is off: SMS and phone alert will be issued automatically when the vehicle vibrates.
ACC is on: The vehicle vibrates without sending SMS and phone alerts.

ACC status monitoring :ON OFF

Electric fence

Set the security zone. When the car enters or leaves the security zone, the mobile

phone will receive the reminder at the first time. You can keep track of the car dynamics

without opening the app.

Historical track 180 days

Free storage of the cloud, recording the car's 180-day driving trajectory throughout the

day, in case of special circumstances, do not worry, the phone can be seen

anytime, anywhere, it is so capricious.

Vehicle vibration alarm

When the car is stationary, the positioner automatically enters the fortified state. When the car is moved or bumped, the positioner will immediately send an alarm message to the owner (sms, phone, APP, multiple alarm prompts)

Equipment removal alarm

The device is equipped with a sensitive sensor, and when the device is removed

or destroyed, the owner will immediately receive an alarm message.

How to use

1. Insert the SIM card into the GPS device; (compatible with 2G frequency band 850/900/1800/1900Mhz, enable SMS and Internet data functions)

2. The GPS device is connected to the 12V power supply.

3. GPS device: blue light flashing state, green light flashing state.

4. Set the administrator number: admin123456 186******** Replace with the SIM number in your mobile phone.

5. Configure the APN of the SIM operator in the GPS device /apn123456 cmnet (change cmnet to the APN of the operator)

6. Send status query command: status

7. Send parameter query command: (s42, 1234)

Function instruction list picture


Название бренда
Евротест (СЕ), RoHS
12 В
Название Модели
Размер Изделия
36*36*16 mm
GPS трекер
Срок службы аккумулятора
От 1 До 4 Часов
Все характеристики

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3 886 ₽

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